Become a Sponsor

Become a Sponsor

If you want to Become a Sponsor of the Berean Fellowship website, consider these things below first, please:

  1. This site is a personal project of mine (Douglas E. Nevill).  It is NOT a not-for-profit organization.
  2. The Berean Fellowship ( ) does NOT represent a religious denomination.  It is 100% complete independent from anything that sounds similar.
  3. Your sponsorship, from your perspective, is either an advertising expense for your business or a personal gift from your heart to me.  You cannot claim it on your taxes as a charitable contribution.

What You Receive as a Sponsor

  1. Your logo (image or brand) that will rotate in at the bottom of all pages on this website.
  2. A link from your logo (1.) to a full page on this website - an article about your business that will have links to your business website.
  3. Addition of your logo to our sponsor's page.

If You Don't Want Your logo to show ...

Then tap here and make a donation instead


Become a Sponsor

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