Old Testament

The first covenant or "Old Testament" in the AV (commonly referred to the KJV translation of the Holy Bible contains 39 books, which may logically be divided into four sections: the law of Moses, the history of Israel, the wisdom (or poetic) books and the prophets.

The second covenant or "New Testament" in the AV (commonly referred to the KJV translation of the Holy Bible contains 27 books, which may logically be divided into four sections: the law of Christ (or "the gospels"), the history of the church (or the Acts of the Apostles), the wisdom (or letters of the apostles) and the prophecy (or the Revelation of Jesus Christ).

Tap on any link below to access any of the four sections of the First Covenant or Old Testament of the Holy Scriptures.










The Old Testament - The Berean Fellowship

The Old Testament - The Berean Fellowship


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