What is in Our Future as Followers of Jesus
What is in Our Future as Followers of Jesus?
This is a topic that has garnered a lot of interest in the past couple of hundred years, and there are many different views, based upon differing interpretations of prophecy.
Timeline of Events According to the Bible
The list below is not exhaustive, but covers the major events ... as I understand them.
These things are in our PAST.
- The Creation (God's creation of everything)
- The Rebellion of Man (Man's sin in the garden of Eden)
- The Rebellion of the Spirits ("Angels sin with man)
- The Destruction (God's first destruction of the Earth with Noah's flood)
- The Confusion (God's confusion of human language at Babel)
- The Call of Abraham
- The Call of Moses
- The Wilderness Wanderings
- The Conquering of Canaan
- The History of Israel
- The Preaching of the Prophets
- The Coming of Jesus Christ, the Messiah (His birth)
- The Life, Death, Burial, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ, the Messiah
- The Coming of the Holy Spirit
- The Glorious Return of Jesus Christ, the Messiah
- The 1,000 Year Kingdom of Jesus Christ on Earth
This is our PRESENT
- The Little Season of Satan's Deception
This is our FUTURE
- The Final Battle (Gog and Magog)
- The Coming of the New Jerusalem to the Earth