Topical Searches

Topical Bible Lessons and Sermons by Douglas E. Nevill

Topical Bible Lessons and Sermons by Douglas E. Nevill

In Acts chapter 17, we learn about some "noble Bereans" that were identified by Luke (the writer of the book of the Acts of the Apostles).  They were applauded because of these things cited in verse 11:

  1. They received the Word with a ready mind
  2. They search the Scriptures daily
  3. They came to their own conclusions based upon their own Biblical research

We are following the example of these Berean believers by searching the Scriptures - we are looking at the Holy Scriptures in order to intentionally discover truth - not haphazardly stumble upon it.

Below you will find links to some simple topical lessons and/or sermon (outlines) that I have taught and/or preached.

Tap on any link below to open the Scriptures Search Topic


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