How to Become a True Jesus Follower
How to Become a True Jesus Follower
Becoming a follower of Jesus, that is The Lord Jesus Christ is simple, but it is NOT easy.
Following Jesus:
- Is Simple
- Is Challenging
- Is Rewarding
- Is Fulfilling
- Is Interesting
- Is Purposeful
- Will Bring New Friends
- Will Create New Enemies
Our contemporary society is flooded with "Social Media" platforms. Some persons become "leaders" or "influencers" in these platforms and as their success grows, they begin to gather followers.
- I wish I could convince you to become a Jesus FOLLOWER.
He alone is WORTHY to have every living human being following Him.
Hear Jesus' Teachings
Jesus' Teachings are Recorded in the Bible
The first four books in the New Testament are records of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Listening to someone else teach you what Jesus said and then explaining (as they understand it) what Jesus meant by what He said is good, but reading it for yourself is far better.
These books: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, are four different historical accounts of the ministry and teaching of Jesus. They give us a four-fold look at Jesus Christ.
- Matthew presents Jesus the King
- Mark presents Jesus the Servant
- Luke presents Jesus the Man
- John presents Jesus the God
I suggest starting with the book of John, and then read them all again: Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.
Pay Special Notice to How Jesus Lived
The Gospels Record Jesus' Behavior
When you hear the phrase "the gospels" it is referring to the first four books of the New Testament. Jesus is the primary character. As you read the gospels, you will learn not only what Jesus said and taught, you will get to see how He lived.
If you are going to become a true follower of Jesus, you will need to learn from Him how to interact with other people.
Accept Jesus' Invitation to Come to Him
Jesus Offers Forgiveness of Sin and a New Life
You will see how Jesus dealt with people when their sins were made apparent.
With those that were "self-righteous", like most of the Pharisees and Sadducees (very religious people), you will hear his most harsh words. You may think that since Jesus is regarded as a religious leader, and especially since He was a Jew, he would have had the religious Jews as His closest associates, but it simply was not so. These persons were His most adamant opponents and were responsible (humanly) for his crucifixion.
However, when Jesus interacted with regular people and their sins were confronted, He was ALWAYS gentle and forgiving while still being firm.
Commit Your Life to Jesus Christ
After learning Who Jesus said He was, you must decide whether or not you believe Him. If you believe that He is indeed the Son of God and that He died for your sins, and rose Himself up again, you should commit your life to following Him.
Belief comes first.
Close behind believe is making a public confession of your faith in Him and being baptized.
Be Baptized and Gather Regularly with other Jesus Followers
After reading the gospels in the New Testament, you will have a clear understanding of Who Jesus is.
- You are not being forced to follow Him.
- You are being invited to follow Him.
The first step you should take as a Jesus follower is to ask another follower of Jesus Christ to baptize you. This may be a pastor or preacher, but it does not have to be.
As you are being baptized, you are openly confessing that you are accepting Jesus' death on the cross in your place and you are trusting Him to forgive your sins. You are also confessing your belief in His glorious resurrection.
Jesus has given you a new birth. You have His Holy Spirit living inside you. Now you have the same power that raised Jesus from the dead enabling you to walk as Jesus Christ Himself has walked.
Connect with a Local Group of Jesus Followers
Jesus is Connected with His Church
Jesus established His church to be a group where His followers would meet regularly to learn about Him and worship Him.
The word church is basically an English translation of the Greek word "ecclesia", which simply means an assembly or a congregation.
The New Testament church was originally modeled after the Jewish meeting places, called synagogues. Synagogue is an English transliteration of the Greek word "sunagoge" which means the same thing: to come together or to bring together.
Jesus' followers typically meet together on the first day of the week, when they have the freedom to do so, but may also meet on other days as well. We have this first day of the week tradition established in the New Testament.