December 5 Daily Discovery
December 5 Daily Discovery
Read Deuteronomy Chapter 6
Loving God and His Word
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.
And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.
~ Deut. 6:5-9
Love God with your all
All your heart
Your heart is your innermost being and encompasses all of your faculties; physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual.
God does not want us to be half-hearted. He wants our ALL. All God wants is ALL and ALL is all he deserves. He does not want to occupy second place in our hearts.
All your soul
Your soul is the real you. It is the you that does not require a body. It includes our emotions, intellect and volition. God wants all of this as well.
All your might
Now your physical component gets included. With ALL of the physical strength that we have, God commands us to love Him.
Love God's Word
We are not only commanded to love God, but to love what He says. He commands us to have them (His words) in our hearts. When we have God's word in our heart, the following naturally grow out of it.
Teach God's Word to your children
God gives children to parents. He doesn't give them to churches or governments. A church does not become pregnant and a government does not become pregnant.
No institution bears offspring, only parents do.
It takes a man and a woman and the result is a child.
The most important aspect to us teaching our children is to teach them God's Word.
However, the method of this teaching is not conventional, as we shall see in the following verses. God does not want us to create a school or a classroom in our homes. This is not His plan for education. He has instructed us to teach our children casually, naturally and organically.
What do we teach?
"These words, which I command you this day... (Deut.6-6-7)" The book of Deuteronomy is a retelling of the previous books of Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy, somewhat condensed and in some places a bit expanded.
There are successes and failures in the histories of every nation. Hopefully, when we teach these histories to our children, they will learn from them through the application of godly principles.
There is a rehearsal of the laws that God has given. God is our King - our Supreme Ruler and we live in His kingdom. Kingdoms have laws and the King sets the laws and expects them to be followed.
Promises and Warnings
Obedience to God's commands bring blessings so there is a promise of good outcomes that attend obedience. However, if the King's commands are ignored and broken, we can expect the opposite of a blessing, which is a curse.
Obey and experience good things. Disobey and experience bad things.
There will be times when we are simply sitting and resting in our homes. Perhaps we are sitting in a common area of our home, maybe on a patio, or perhaps around a table for a meal or a snack.
it is time to teach
Hopefully, there will be times when you are walking about with your children outside of your home. This could be in a public space or more of a retreat-like space. It could be in the city or in the countryside. Your children will observe things and ask questions. Perhaps you will point something out that you want them to observe and ask them questions.
These walks provide excellent opportunities to teach in a setting that is organic and unstaged. Such times are some of the best for teaching because it is a natural environment to comprehend teaching.
When it is time for bed and things are winding down, take a few moments to talk with your children and teach them as you are preparing to retire.
To have God's truth on your mind as you go to sleep is the very best thing you can be thinking about.
Ordinarily, we should have some time with our children in the morning before our days get started. Before we leave our homes is a great time to do some teaching.
Starting the day with a focus upon God and His word is wise and blessed.
Bind on Your bodies
There are things we can do that help us to keep God and His word on the forefront of our minds. You can have scriptures written on small cards to carry in your pockets or purses.
Maybe even imprinted on some jewelry and worn on a wrist, an ankle or about your neck. I'm personally not a fan of tattoos. We're told to bind them upon our bodies, not to scratch them into our bodies. God leaves that part for our homes.
Write on your buildings
Do you have any of the scriptures on the posts of your doors? This way, you will be reminded of them when you enter and exit your home.
Another great place inside your home would be upon the walls or your bathroom mirror.
Keep reminding yourself of God and His Word.
Continue Your Search
Do you see any: Commands to Obey, Warnings to Heed, Promises to Claim, Examples to Follow, Vices to Avoid, Praises to Emulate, Prayers to Use, Principles by which to Live, Questions to Ask or Actions to Take?